How Giving Free Talks Helped This Health Coach Get Paying Clients Fast
Today we are excited to introduce you to one of our amazing That Clean Life members who has proven that giving free talks is an amazing way to book more paying clients.
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Today we are excited to introduce you to one of our amazing That Clean Life members who has proven that giving free talks is an amazing way to book more paying clients.
"When I first started as an RD, I had no idea how many different ways you could make a living, and I'm still learning about new avenues of revenue all of the time.”
When working with women who have PCOS, there are a few important things to take into consideration in order to truly assist in improving their health.
Before your clients completely give up on spaghetti squash forever, we have a great tip you can share with them.
A discount might seem like a great way to attract clients to sign-up for your nutrition services or programs, but this is not always the case. Here's what to do instead.
It can be difficult to know how to explain a meal plan to a client, so today we're showing you the things you should cover, and exactly what to say to ensure your client gets the most out of the awesome plan you have created for them.
A weekly newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your ideal clients. It shows you are consistent, serious about your business as a nutrition professional and it gives you a chance to strut your stuff on the regular.
To help you plan a high-converting nutrition workshop, we are sharing all the steps you'll need to take, plus tips from experienced nutritionists who told us what they wish they had known while planning their first workshops.
Your social media accounts are a great place to promote your meal planning services. Here are some tips to help you start posting with purpose.
Filling out food journals is tedious and many clients forget to complete this “homework.” Even if they do, dietary recall is notoriously inaccurate and subject to biases. Here's how to get accurate information to better inform your nutrition plans.