How to Create a Marketing Plan for Your Nutrition Program

A super simple, three-week guide to creating a marketing plan for your next program launch.

Written by
Ashley Sauvé Ashley Sauvé
Published on

So you’ve created an awesome group program. You've used That Clean Life to create amazing weekly meal plans with grocery lists and recipes and now you are ready to put it out there and get tons of sign-ups. But you can’t just launch your program and hope for the best! You need a solid marketing plan, and you need to follow through on it.

Today we are sharing a super simple, three-week guide to creating a marketing plan for your next program launch. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to promote your program. What is most important is that you promote it in a way that is authentic, and that won’t leave you feeling burnt-out before the program even starts.

Alright, now let's start creating your marketing plan!

Week 1: The Warm Up Week

Week 1 of your marketing efforts will begin three weeks out from your program start date. This week, your main priority is to introduce your program to everyone in your community including your blog readers, social media followers, and email subscribers and let them know how awesome it is going to be. You should also prioritize growing your mailing list during this time by promoting your lead magnet. Having a solid mailing list will be so helpful in Week 2 and Week 3 as you continue to market your program.

Here are some marketing tactics you could use during this first week to market your group nutrition program:

  • Release a blog post to announce your program. Include the cost, purpose, and length of the program. Tell the participants what they will receive. Make sure the post contains a strong call-to-action to sign-up. Focus on the value proposition and how this program will transform their lives.
  • Share this blog post across your social media platforms. Now that you have written the post, you need to share it far and wide! Share the post on your social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. We recommend sharing your blog post at least two times on each channel during Week 1.
  • Share your blog post in an email newsletter. Send out an email announcing your new program and inviting people to check out the details in the blog post.
  • Promote your lead magnet on social media. Continue to grow your list by promoting your lead magnet at least twice during the week on each of your social channels.

Tip: All marketing, whether it is a blog post or an Instagram story, should end with a strong call-to-action. Tell people what they need to do next to sign up for your group program.

Week 2: The Strategic Week

During Week 2 of your marketing efforts, you are going to focus on creating valuable content that is relevant to your program. This is content and knowledge you will give away for free, with the goal of gaining the attention and interest of your ideal client.

Here are some ideas of what you could do to market your group nutrition program during Week 2:

  • Release one highly valuable blog post about a topic that relates to your program. End the blog post with a call-to-action to sign-up for the program. For example, if your program is a 21-Day Sugar Detox Program, you might write a post called “Signs Your Blood Sugar is Out of Whack and What to Do About It.”
  • Share the blog post across your social media platforms. Share it at least twice on each of your social channels throughout the week.
  • Send out another email newsletter. Include your newest blog post.
  • Continue promoting your lead magnet. Share it on social media, at least twice during the week.
  • Run a Facebook or Instagram Live about the topic of your blog post. Throughout your broadcast, refer to your group program, and tell people how to sign up.

Week 3: The “Go Hard” Week

The week before your program starts is the last big push to get sign-ups. Don’t hold back, as this is the time when most people will register. Now is the time to go all-out and create a real sense of urgency to sign-up.

Here are some marketing tactics you could use during this third week of marketing:

  • Release another highly-valuable blog post relating to your program. It should include a strong call-to-action to sign-up. For example, “5 Reasons Why You Need to Try a Sugar Detox.”
  • Share the blog post in your email newsletter. And also share it across all of your social media platforms.
  • Build buzz with a giveaway on Facebook or Instagram for two free spots in your program. Have entrants tag one friend in the comments of the post to enter. This will help you reach a wider audience, beyond those people who already follow you. Send out an email letting people on your list know about your social media giveaway with a link to the post.
  • Send a three-day email sequence to your email list, starting four days from the start date of your program. Email #1 should remind subscribers that the program starts in just four days. Email #2 should answer all frequently asked questions about the program and end with a strong call-to-action to sign-up. Email #3 should be sent one day before the program starts, reminding subscribers that it is their absolute last chance to sign up.
  • Host another Facebook or Instagram Live answering frequently asked questions you are receiving about your program. Remind viewers that it is their last chance to sign-up.
  • Share a final ‘last chance to register’ post across all of your social media channels. Each post should have a strong call-to-action including how to sign-up.

Tip: Two days before your program begins, you can start transitioning out of selling mode and into more of a supportive mode. Start communicating with the people who have registered for your program to tell them what happens next. Ensure they have joined your private Facebook group (if you are using one) and that they have all the materials they need to succeed.

Mapping It All Out

Now that you have some ideas of how you can market your group nutrition program, it's time to create a marketing calendar. A marketing calendar will help keep you organized and will outline what you will be doing on a day-to-day basis.

Once you've created your marketing calendar, it's time to start executing. We can't wait to see what you accomplish!

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