Book 5 New Clients in 30 Days with These Powerful Strategies for Nutrition Practitioners
When it comes to growing your nutrition practice, getting actual "real life" clients should be your main focus.

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When it comes to growing your nutrition practice, getting actual "real life" clients should be your main focus.
Meal plans can be a controversial topic amongst dietitians. We wanted to get to the bottom of the debate once and for all.
We chatted with Registered Dietitian and founder of NextGeneration Nutrition, Jessica Mantell to learn how she runs a successful nutrition business that offers personalized nutrition counseling, comprehensive lab testing and so much more.
We sat down with Kayley George, anti-diet Dietitian and founder of The Healthy Weight Loss Dietitians, to discuss how That Clean Life has played a big role in the success of her signature Ditch the Diet coaching program.
How to provide more culturally appropriate nutrition plans to improve your client's health outcomes.
A step-by-step guide on how to plan, create, test, launch, and market your first or next online nutrition course.
With each client, Megan perfected her metabolism makeover system and eventually realized that instead of putting clients through the program one-on-one, she could develop a group program to help even more people at a lower price point and scale her business.
More and more research is proving that diet can impact cognition and the MIND Diet is becoming widely accepted as an effective dietary intervention to address cognitive decline and some neurodegenerative conditions.
If your client demonstrates common symptoms associated with histamine intolerance and has tested negative for other allergies or gastrointestinal conditions, you can consider trialing a low histamine diet to relieve symptoms.
Everyone and their mother seem to be talking about "Leaky Gut Syndrome" lately. As a wellness professional, you may even have clients coming to you with symptoms asking, "Do you think it might be leaky gut!?".