3 Ways to Create More Engaging Nutrition Plans for Your Clients

Keep your clients engaged, capture and track their activity, collaborate with them in real-time, and move your nutrition business forward.

Written by
Abigail Keeso, RN Abigail Keeso, RN
Published on

As a nutrition practitioner, keeping your clients engaged and on track to reach their health goals can be a struggle.

Here are three ways to use That Clean Life's Sharing feature to keep your clients engaged, collaborate with them in real-time, track their activity, and make them (and your business) more successful.

1. Collaborate with your clients on their meal plans in real-time.

It can be challenging when a client receives their meal plan and wants to make changes. But with Sharing, you can easily work with your client to update their meal plan instantly in real-time

For example, let's say you are working with a client who requires a low oxalate meal plan. You create the plan and share it with your client using Sharing. When reviewing the plan with your client, they indicate that they don't love the breakfast options and that they are having family over for dinner on Friday. You can simply go into the plan, edit the breakfasts and increase the number of servings for Friday's dinner. The updates will be shown to your client in real-time.

Or let's say you are working with a client who has SIBO and is following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. You create a smart plan using the Specific Carbohydrate Diet tag and share it with your client using Sharing. If you allow editing, your client can make swaps on their meal plan and when they do so, the swaps will always be Specific Carbohydrate Diet-friendly recipes as per your smart plan rules. This empowers your client to edit their plan, while still sticking to your recommended protocol.

2. Set clients up to do their own meal planning.

Some clients prefer to do their own meal planning, or sometimes as the practitioner, you want to empower your clients to do their own meal planning. With Sharing, you can set your clients up with a collection of hand-picked recipes, and a blank meal plan where they can do their own meal planning.

For example, let's say you are working with a client who wants to transition to a plant-based diet. You could create a collection of plant-based recipes, and then create a new blank plan with vegan applied as a smart tag and also add it to the collection. When you share this collection with your client, they can then create a meal plan from the recipes you have provided them.

As the practitioner, you'll be able to see what your client chooses to add to their meal plan, so you can provide them with feedback and even edit their plan if they need some extra guidance. Again, this is a great way to empower your client and teach them the skill of meal planning while still providing them with meal ideas that meet their needs.

3. Create a curated recipe collection for your client and add new options after each appointment.

Not every client needs or wants a meal plan. However, as a nutrition practitioner, you may still want to provide guidance. With Sharing, you can create a collection of recipes for your client, and easily share them through a link. You can continue to add new recipes to this collection after every appointment to keep your client engaged.

For example, let's say you are working with a client who lives a busy, high-stress lifestyle, doesn't have much time to cook and has recently been diagnosed with celiac disease. You could create them a collection of 15-Minute Gluten-Free Meal Ideas. Start by adding about 10 gluten-free, 15-minute recipes to a collection, and then add 10 more after each appointment.


These are just a few ways you can use That Clean Life's new Sharing feature to deliver a super fun and engaging experience to your clients. If you haven't already, join That Clean Life and start bringing your nutrition plans to life today. For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use Sharing, visit our help center.