Beyond the PDF: How Sharing Meal Plans Boosts Client Success

Discover how a nutritionist has built her practice around That Clean Life and how the Sharing feature allows her to bring her meal plans, client interactions, and client adherence (and, ultimately, their success) to another level.

Written by
Evita Basilio, RD Evita Basilio, RD
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Providing meal plans to clients is one thing; getting them to follow the plans is another challenge entirely. Lorraine English understands this well and has spent years refining the process of creating and delivering meal plans that work.

We sat down with Lorraine to discuss how she uses That Clean Life to create personalized meal plans in under 15 minutes, how she delivers plans to clients using the Sharing feature — and how you can benefit from it, too. 

Lorraine English is a personal trainer, nutritionist, and founder of LEPT Nutrition, a practice based in Perth, Australia. The mission of LEPT is to empower individuals through impactful relationships to achieve optimal wellness and vitality with the power of nutrition and mind and body services. One of the main ways Lorraine helps her clients is through providing individualized meal plans. 

Creating meal plans efficiently

Lorraine estimates that LEPT Nutrition serves 20 to 30 clients weekly, mostly busy women seeking help through individualized meal plans. She says the need for new meal plans is big, with clients requiring anywhere from 6 to 20+ meal plans (with each meal plan being followed for two weeks), depending on how long they decide to work with her. 

Choosing your meal planning approach.

Like many of us, Lorraine notes that most women she works with lead busy lives. They just want a meal plan and shopping list provided to them that requires minimal thinking on their end. Others, mostly women with younger families, prefer using the meal planning guide, which is more interactive so they can create their own plans.

Learn how to teach your clients to create their own meal plans.

Building personalized plans in under 15 minutes.

Lorraine uses That Clean Life's 100+ filters to build highly personalized client plans and the best part is creating such unique meal plans only takes her 10-15 minutes. 

She excludes ingredients to ensure clients aren’t receiving recipes that include foods they dislike, and she filters for things that align with health or medical needs. For instance, if a client has high cholesterol or IBS, they filter out foods high in saturated and trans fats or FODMAPs, respectively.

That Clean Life makes it easy for her to quickly filter, build, and customize a meal plan to her client's real needs, and she says her clients follow their meal plans closely because they are personalized to their goals and preferences.

Delivering meal plans to your clients

One of the most important aspects of running a virtual nutrition and health business today is the ability to share information and resources with your clients to maintain your brand's integrity. 

There are two ways you can deliver meal plans to your clients using That Clean Life:

  • PDF exports  
  • Sharing through a single secure link

While the ability to share a PDF can be helpful and was once a major advancement in business, it doesn’t always provide the best experiences for your clients. That’s why we created the Sharing option, which saves you time as a practitioner and gives your clients access to the tailored resources they need. 

Sharing allows you to share resources with your clients in real-time to collaborate. This helps support a positive rapport and promotes improved adherence to their plans. 


Lorraine was previously a PDF user and noticed less compliance with her meal plans. She then shifted to using the Sharing feature with That Clean Life, which made it easy to send a shared link with her client's plans and recipes, plus a quick video tutorial on how to use it.

“We always put all our meal plans in a client collection…So this is Jane Smith's collection, and all her meal plans go in there and she has access to all her recipes and her certificates.”

That Clean Life also provides client-facing video tutorials to help your clients use the nutrition plans found within their shared links.

Providing a branded, professional experience.

You no longer need to export PDFs for your clients to know who created their meal plans. When you use Sharing, your meal plans are fully customizable to your business colors and logo, offering your clients a professional and cohesive experience. This consistency helps support brand recognition while ensuring your clients have an easy way to contact you.

The Sharing feature has been very beneficial to Lorraine and her clients. In her time using That Clean Life, she has created over 750 shared links.

Helping clients use their meal plans

It’s one thing to provide meal plans to your clients, but it’s another for them to follow the plan. Lorraine notes that this has improved significantly when moving from PDF exports to Sharing. 

Meal planning collaboration.

When someone receives an interactive meal plan through their Sharing link, they can open it and adjust the serving sizes if needed, such as if they’re having company over for dinner. And if Lorraine receives feedback that her clients dislike a certain recipe, she can simply go into their collection and swap it out with something else. Easy peasy. 

Easy-to-understand nutrition education.

AI Health Insights are only available within the Sharing feature, another perk for clients. This includes easy-to-understand nutrition education associated with each recipe. These insights help clients understand the “why” behind your recommendations so they can stay the course and experience their desired health outcomes. 


Supportive guidance with every plan.

Finally, Lorraine adds a supportive welcome message to her client plans that encourages them to reach out if they have any trouble following them. They also get some brief instructions using Attachments on what to expect as they get started. Her goal is to be empathetic and open and allow clients access to every capability of their meal plans with Sharing. 

Sharing is caring when it comes to your meal plans

As nutrition practitioners, we want the best for our clients, which includes providing them with the resources and recommendations they need and cheering them on from the sidelines, so to speak. That Clean Life aims to provide essential tools to foster this relationship by bringing your nutrition guidance to life with customizable meal plans. The Sharing capacity takes it further, increasing client adherence and success. 

Lorraine has used That Clean Life the entire time she’s been practicing and has built her practice around it. The Sharing feature has allowed her to bring her meal plans, client interactions, and client adherence (and, ultimately, their success) to another level. 

“I just think it’s [That Clean Life] is a great tool that we can really use well because it’s got so many varied recipes, so many varied nutritional requirements catered for and recipes. Full of information itself that it can become a major part of your practice if you really think about it.” She continues, “It shouldn’t be an add-on — if you’re smart about it, you build your practice around it. I know that’s what’s grown my business incredibly well. I would say make it a major tool.”

Here’s how Sharing works:

Ready to up your meal plan game and support your clients with interactive features? We can help.

Sign up for That Clean Life and see how Sharing improves practice efficiency and client outcomes.

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