Real Life Examples of What Nutrition Professionals Are Charging for Services

Today we want to start a comfortable conversation around pricing by sharing with you some actual real-life examples from nutrition professionals.

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Ashley Sauvé Ashley Sauvé
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Pricing is one of the hardest topics to talk about among nutrition professionals. It’s not taught in school, no one likes to ask their colleagues how they came up with pricing, and so we end up winging it with numbers and getting sweaty-palmed whenever someone asks how much it costs to work with us.

Sweaty-palmed discomfort is not a good look for anyone.

Today we want to start a comfortable conversation around pricing by sharing with you some actual real-life examples from nutrition professionals. All names have been changed for confidentiality, but this information will help you get an idea of what different professionals are charging.

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It’s important to note that pricing can vary greatly between professionals. Your pricing will depend on:

  • Your profession (holistic nutritionist, dietitian, health coach, naturopathic doctor, etc.)
  • How long you’ve been practicing for
  • Your niche or specialization
  • The types of clients you work with
  • What you’re including with your services

Professionals who have spent a lot of time and energy establishing themselves as experts within a niche can typically charge more than practitioners who keep their focus general. A professional with years of experience is probably going to charge more than a new grad. Someone who works with students might not be able to charge the same as someone who works with executive professionals.

There is no exact formula for pricing. In fact, pricing isn't everything. The number of clients you take on and the types of services you offer matter too. One professional might enroll 10 clients in a $200 program, while another might enroll a single client in a $2,000 program. Pricing is a personal decision and one that you need to make as an entrepreneur.

Another important thing to note is that your pricing is not set in stone. You are allowed to adjust your pricing as you go.

Often we get worried about setting our prices because we worry about price objections. But we'd argue that if you get objections about your pricing, it is a marketing problem, not a pricing problem! It might be time to re-visit how you are communicating the value of your programs and services.

Learn how to improve your money mindset before your next program launch.

Okay, so with all of that being said, let’s have a look at some case studies!

Case Study #1: Casey

Casey is a Holistic Nutritionist who graduated one year ago. She really loves seeing clients one-on-one, so she has set up her services in a way that reflects this.

Casey’s lowest priced offer is a basic consultation for $125.

This basic consultation includes:

  • One 60-minute session
  • Basic health recommendations including supplements, lifestyle and key nutrient recommendations
  • Option to add-on custom meal plans at a price of $75/week

Casey’s medium-priced offer is a 3-visit package for $225.

This package includes:

  • 1 x 90-minute initial consultation
  • 2 x follow-up sessions
  • Customized meal plan

Her high-end offer is a 6-month transformation package, priced at $1,575.

The 6-month transformation includes:

  • 1 x 90-minute initial consultation
  • 7 x follow-up sessions
  • Monthly meal plans
  • Weekly check-ins

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Casey Study #2: Sandra

Sandra is a Holistic Nutritionist with two years of experience working at a clinic. She has just recently branched out to run her own business. She specializes in working with clients who have gut disorders.

Sandra’s low-priced offer is a 7-day “Beat the Bloat" group challenge, which she runs once per month and she charges $97 for.

This challenge includes:

  • A 7-day meal plan
  • Grocery list
  • Recipes

Sandra uses That Clean Life to create the materials for this challenge.

Her medium-priced offer is a 6-week “Better Belly Program,” and sells for $597.

The 6-week program includes:

  • Weekly coaching sessions
  • A customized recipe book for self-guided meal planning
  • Text message support throughout the 6-week period

Sandra’s high-end offer is a 6-month “Intensive Gut Healing Journey” priced at $2,997.

This high-end program includes:

  • Weekly check-ins for the first month
  • Monthly check-ins after the first month
  • Customized monthly meal plans
  • Supplement recommendations

Sandra uses her monthly challenges as an entry point, and at the end of her challenges, she educates the participants on how they can continue working with her through her Better Belly Program or her Intensive Gut Healing Journey Program. She offers an exclusive, limited-time bonus to those who choose to continue working with her after the challenge.

Download the Pricing Handbook now to optimize your pricing strategy.

Case Study #3: Lisa

Lisa is a Registered Dietitian with an in-person clinical practice. As a dietitian, she works with a wide variety of clients with various needs.

Lisa’s low-priced offer is a 3-visit package priced at $225.

This 3-visit package includes:

  • One initial assessment
  • 2 x 30-minute follow-ups
  • Customized meal plan with each appointment

Her medium-priced offer is a 6-visit package, which costs $400.

The 6-visit package includes:

  • One initial assessment
  • 5 x 30 –minute follow-ups
  • Body composition measurements OR a grocery store tour
  • Customized meal plan with each appointment

Lisa’s high-end offer is an 8-visit complete lifestyle change package, priced at $525.

This high-end package includes:

  • One initial assessment
  • 7 x 30–minute follow-ups
  • Body composition measurements
  • Grocery store tour
  • Additional support materials
  • Customized meal plan with each appointment

Lisa also offers a-la-carte nutrition counseling at a rate of $110 per one-hour visit, which is great for physician referrals, or those who are new to nutrition counseling and unsure about how much they’re ready to commit.

You’ll notice that all three of these professionals limit their offerings to three options at three different price points. This reduces overwhelm and helps clients easily decide what the right choice is for them. The packages can be stand-alone options like Casey’s and Lisa’s or they can be a part of an ascension model like Sandra's where each program feeds into the next, extending the lifetime value of each client.