Imagine you’re rushing to work in the morning. You just have enough time to duck into your favorite artisan coffee shop for a cup of to-go goodness.
You get to the front of the line prepared to ask for your very specific order: a large decaf oat milk latte crafted using single-origin Colombian beans pulled as a ristretto shot and with a dusting of Ceylon cinnamon on top (please and thanks). You’re fully prepared for a bit of a wait. Instead, the cashier immediately hands over your coffee and you’re out the door in a matter of seconds.
You got precisely what you needed—no repeating yourself or waiting required.

It feels amazing when someone anticipates your needs
Thanks to the new filtering suggestions in That Clean Life, that “you get me” feeling now applies to nutrition planning for clients with complex dietary needs.
Ingredient exclusions are non-negotiable for some clients but they do add complexity to your meal-planning process.
No wheat, but not gluten-free.
Vegan, but nut-free.
Fermented foods, but no dairy.
Low fiber, but heart healthy.
You know the drill. There are a lot of permutations and combinations to filter out of recipe searches. And manually typing them in is a time-consuming, error-prone process.
You’ve done it the old way. Now it’s time to get familiar with the new way—using filtering suggestions to fine-tune your search.
Search smarter with suggested tags
The filtering suggestions feature lives in the Recipes tab of That Clean Life. Simply click the Filter button to get started.
You’ll see a “Suggestions” toggle switch at the top right of the “Exclude ingredients” box. It appears green when the feature is turned on. Note that you can turn Suggestions off at any time by sliding the toggle left.
With filtering suggestions turned on you’re ready to go. Start typing your ingredient exclusions in the text box. Once you add in two similar exclusions relevant tag prompts will automatically appear.
Here’s an example to further contextualize how it works:
- Imagine you need to surface recipes that exclude almonds in any form.
- You type “Almond Butter” and “Almond Extract” in the “Exclude ingredients” text box.
- While there are many other types of almond ingredients you could add, there’s no need to type out an exhaustive list. With filtering suggestions in That Clean Life, you’ll automatically be prompted to replace the individual ingredients with a “nutfree” tag.
If you choose to click the nutfree tag prompt, the software will remove the almond-specific ingredient exclusions you entered while adding the nutfree tag to the Tags text box.
More precision, less effort
If you continue to add multiple ingredient exclusions you’ll also see more tag prompts appear. In the example below, the user has entered the following ingredients:
- Chickpea flour
- Chickpea pasta
- All-natural peanut butter
- Canned coconut milk
- Coconut aminos
This results in multiple tag prompts appearing beneath the “Exclude ingredients” text box. This user can now choose to replace their multiple ingredient exclusions with two tags that encompass all: legumefree and coconutfree.

If you prefer not to have a longer list of suggested tags appear, you can make it go away by sliding the Suggestions toggle switch to the left. It will turn grey to indicate that it’s off.
Do future you a big favor
Once you’ve filtered your recipes according to specific dietary exclusions, you can bookmark the results to reuse in the future. Simply choose the “Bookmark” option beside “Filter”.
Once the My Bookmarks pop-up appears, name your Bookmark something meaningful. For example:
- Make it client-specific, e.g., Don Wetherspoon’s IBS-Low-Sodium-Soy-Sensitive
- Make it clear exactly what is and what isn’t included, e.g., Vegan, High-Fiber, Nut-Free
Oh, and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for giving Future You a super-quick shortcut for building tailored meal plans for a range of dietary restrictions—from common to complex.
Upgrade from a flurry of filters to a streamlined search
Meeting clients where they are with their complex dietary needs doesn’t need to overcomplicate your meal planning process. Watch the complete filtering suggestions demo to see all the fine-tuned recipe search goodness in action.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can I save my dietary restriction filters?
Once your filters are applied, you can save them as a Bookmark. You can access them at any time under the Bookmarks tab.
Is there a limit to how many ingredient exclusions I can add at once?
No. Just keep in mind that the more filters you apply, the narrower your search results will be.
Can I save my favorite search filters or exclusion lists for future use?
Another word for saved filters is “Bookmarks.” When you save your meal plan filters in this way, they are available for future use under the Bookmarks tab.
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