A Super Simple Strategy to Attract Leads & Nourish Them Into Paying Clients

The most successful group programs are run by health professionals who have already laid the groundwork for their business.

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Abigail Keeso, RN Abigail Keeso, RN
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One of the hottest tactics used by health professionals wanting to grow a nutrition business is group nutrition programs. Group programs are a simple way to scale your business and see more clients at once instead of one-on-one.

Over the years, we have helped thousands of health professionals scale their businesses with group programs and here is what we have learned: The most successful group programs are run by health professionals who have already laid the groundwork for their business. In other words, those running successful, sold-out group programs have a strategy in place to attract leads and nourish their audience, so that when they announce their program, they have a ton of people ready to buy from them.

You can’t just launch a group program and hope, “If I build it, they will come”. We can tell you with certainty (or maybe you even know from experience) that it doesn’t work this way. You need to first build an audience of people who care about what you offer and then nourish that audience before you sell to them.

Instead of suggesting to our That Clean Life members that they jump right into creating a group nutrition program, we started to suggest they first work on attracting leads and then work on nourishing them before they launch a program. And guess what! This strategy worked. We have watched our members double, even triple their income using this approach.

We have turned this entire process into a step-by-step formula and called in the Attract, Nourish & Convert Strategy. Today I am going to share this super simple strategy with you so that you can attract leads, nourish them and convert them into paying clients with ease.

Step #1: Attract

The first step of our Attract, Nourish & Convert Strategy is to attract your ideal clients.

In order to attract your ideal clients you need to know who your ideal clients are, and the problems they are experiencing. Once you know this, you can create a lead magnet that will attract them.

Lead Magnet 101: A lead is a person who may become a paying client, and a magnet is something that attracts them. Put together, a lead magnet is a free piece of content that you will give away to attract potential clients in exchange for their email address. Once you have captured their email address they are officially a "lead".

We have been helping health professionals create lead magnets for years, so we know that there are two super effective lead magnets that work:

  • A 5-day meal plan
  • A short recipe book focused on a specific topic

But not any old meal plan or recipe book will do. You need to create your lead magnet very intentionally so that it truly interests your ideal client and speaks to a pain they are currently experiencing.

For example, let's say you help busy moms lose weight and you know this group struggles to get a healthy dinner on the table that the whole family will enjoy. In this case, you could create them a 5-Day Family-Friendly Dinner Plan.

Or let’s say you are a Nutritionist who specializes in helping women balance their hormones to overcome PMS and have healthy, problem-free periods. You know one of the biggest challenges your clients face are cravings, so in this case you could create a recipe book called “Healthy Snacks to Kick PMS Cravings”.

Log in to That Clean Life to create your meal plan or recipe book, export it as a PDF and set it up for download. Start promoting it so you can attract your ideal clients and build an audience.

Step #2: Nourish

Once you have built a list full of your ideal clients, you need to nourish your leads so that they can get to know, like and trust you. Only once people know, like and trust you will they be ready to buy from you.

One really great way to nourish your leads is to invite them to join a free challenge. A free challenge should last no more than 5-days and gives you a chance for people to sample what it is like to work with you.

Just like your lead magnet, the topic of your free challenge needs to be related to your ideal client and their problems. It should also be related to the services and programs you offer as a health professional.

For example, let's say you are a Nutritionist who is getting ready to run a paid group program called "The 30-Day Immunity Support Program". In this case, you could nourish your audience by offering a "5-Day Eating for Immunity Challenge" that would give them a preview of your program for free.

Again, you can use That Clean Life to easily create the materials for your free challenge.

Step #3: Convert

At the end of your free challenge, you will have a group of people who have experienced what it is like to work with you and who feel motivated to continue. This is the time to convert them into paying clients. The best way to do this is to present them with an irresistible, limited-time bonus offer.

An irresistible, limited-time bonus offer is exactly how it sounds. It is an offer to join your paid program or service that is irresistible, and only available for a limited time (we recommend 48-hours).

Your irresistible offer will depend on what your client would find most valuable: perhaps that is a free one-on-one consult, a customized meal plan, or a discount. Either way, your irresistible, limited-time bonus offer should be something that makes it a no-brainer for your lead to take the next step and become a paying client.

For example, let's say your free challenge is "The 5-Day Eating for Immunity Challenge". At the end of this challenge, your irresistible, limited-time offer could be: “Receive a free immune-supportive recipe guide when you sign up for my upcoming 30-Day Immune Support Program in the next 48 hours." Or, it could be: “Get $100 off of my upcoming 30-Day Immune Support Program when you join in the next 48 hours.”

During the 48-hours that your offer is available, be sure to promote it to the participants of your free challenge often. They will need to be reminded at the beginning, middle and end of the 48-hour period of the offer, when it expires and how to claim it.